At school we had to wright facts about sleep sleuths.
Do I need more sleep ? I know there are lots of reasons why we need sleep. To keep healthy and learn, I need to sleep to recharge my brain...
If you sleep more you will have more energy and brains to do stuff.
So sleep or you will fall a sleep in class and you will have to stay in at lunch And morning tea.
Turn on a light as soon as you get up and try to get into natural light as soon as possible. Avoid bright lights at night before bed.Because your eyes will get very sore and your want be able to see very good.
If you don't get sleep you will be dizzy tired and won't do anything.
And you will feel sick because you haven't had enough sleep.
Turn on a light as soon as you get up and try to get into natural light as soon as possible. Avoid bright lights at night before bed.Because your eyes will get very sore and your want be able to see very good.
Do something relaxing before bed such as reading, drawing, or having a warm shower.So you can relax and go to bed easily and fall a sleep very easily . and get up and not be tired...
Sleeping is boring but you need to sleep or you will be tired everyday.