
Monday, 28 June 2021

Year 10 camp

 Yr 10 Camp Blog


Last week (22-25 June) Yr 10s trekked off on an Outdoor Ed. trip to Boyle River Outdoor Ed. centre.

As soon as we arrived, we went into the lodge, we sat down and listened to the mentors about all of the rules and how everything was gonna work, then we separated into our 5 groups.

For breakfast we had many options to pick from including toast, weetbix and many different cereals.

Dinner consisted of many different things from lasagne, rice and pasta.

The sleeping quarters were good. very comfortable and warm

We had a range of indoor and outdoor activities which included walks, high ropes and many other fun activities

The best experience I had on camp was hanging out with my friends and creating new ones.

I was most challenged by the solo.

 supervising and cooking.

Overall it was a great experience and I would love to do it again.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Metal reactions

 Today in science we were doing an experiment about metal reactions, In this experiment, we filled one test tube quarter of the way up with sulfuric acid, Then we put a piece of metal salt into that same tube while putting another test tube over the one with the acid in it to hold all of the gas in. Then we held a burning splint near the top of the test tube. The positive result was a pop sound it made that sound because the hydrogen reacted with the oxygen in the air to cause a small explosion. 

Today during science we did another gas experiment, first, we added calcium carbonate into one tube and lime water into the other then we put a tube into the water, after that we put acid into the tube with the calcium carbonate and quickly put the bung into the tube. To know if it was working or to see the results the water would start to cloud up and turn gray.

Today in science we did a glowing splint experiment. When we were doing the glowing splint experiment firstly we had to light the splint with a bunsen burner we let it burn for a bit then blew it out. The next thing we did was put the splint into a test tube that had hydrogen peroxide and magnesium dioxide in it. These two chemicals together produced oxygen. The splint relit because it was exposed to the oxygen in the test tube. The result proved that the gas in the tube was oxygen.