
Friday, 12 April 2019


                                                          By Marshmallow

It was my birthday party I was turning 8 years old I wasn't enjoying my party at first  everyone was ruining it by being noisy, loud and overall annoying! but the first time I started to have a bit of joy was when my dad brought out this big beautiful cake as I was thinking of what my wish should be I saw a girl run up and she blew my candles out I was so frustrated! It was the worst day of my life at that point of time but I remembered I haven't got my presents yet I started to get a little giddy as I was thinking of what I was going to get, my dad brought out my first present I opened up the big box and got a little surprise I got a big yellow bow I was so thankful for it but at the same time I was a little disappointed and confused at what I had gotten but then my dad said he needs to get something and that he will be back I was wondering why but I left it and put my bow back in the box as I saw my dad walk around the corner he was holding a cute golden receiver puppy it was so fluffy and cute he walked over to me and put it in my arms and told me to put the bow on it one small teardrop rolled out of my eye I hadn't realised at this time but this one day day was going to change my life forever.

                                                          (10 YEARS LATER.......)
I was 18 I was in my last year at school this was the worst year ever I had no friends, no body to stick up for me and especially nobody liked me my favourite part of the day that game me just a little bit of joy was P.E were we played football (soccer) I was really good at football even tho I never got picked for any team but that gave me the drive to go home and get better. It was our teams photo day I in front holding the ball getting reading but then I started to get pushed out and I west left on the side but then the camera man started to pull me in and told me to have a smile and enjoy my self as I was opening my mouth to smile I started to hear giggling and laughing  my whole team was laughing at me because of my bright yellow braces I had never fault so uncomfortable and not wanted ever in my life, as I got home I chucked the photo and layed down on my bed as I was laying down I was hearing a scratching noise I looked around it was mellow at the door I was so happy to see him.... Later the night I walked into my room and saw him on the ground I ran over to him to see what was happening I realised he wasn't moving or breathing I had the biggest rush of shock and fear I had ever gotten I yelled out to my dad and we rushed to the vet in a rush. As I was staring down the long dark hallway one small tear drop droped from my eye as I realised I was never going to see Mellow again...

Monday, 8 April 2019

simple writting

He was singing....

He was signing gracefully.

He was singing gracefully during the night.

He was singing gracefully during the night in a park.

He was signing gracefully during the night in a park with a very calming and soothing voice.

He was singing gracefully during the night in a park with a very calming and soothing voice because he was practising his vocals .

huruman P.E:bench ball

This week in hurumanu my class 7/8bh and 7/8tz have been learning and working on our new hurumanu topic which is hurumanu P.E for P.E we are learning lots of new games and activities to learn leadership roles and working as a team. For our period of hurumanu we went into the gym and learnt and played a new game this game was called bench ball, Bench ball involves two teams, two benches (set out using one at each end of a medium sized rectangle sized court, a ball and some bibs each team will nominate one player to stand on the bench in their half of the court (the goalkeeper). We had about 7 teams the teams we were in had 6 to 5 players in them, We rotated around the gym versing different teams, this game was really fun well for me it was because I've never played anything like it so it was really cool to play a new game I haven't played before so it was a cool experience. But I think my favourite part of this was when we got into random teams no body moaned that they weren't with there friends that just go on with the game and had fun.Image result for bench ball

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Music hurumanu

Today 7/8 tz and my class 7/8 bh have been working on our new huruanu topic which is music so for our work we had to figure out and answer some questions. The questions we had to answer where:

  • What is music? What types are there?
  • Music is a vocal or instrumental sounds or sometimes both combined in a way to produce it and turn it into a form of art such as harmony's, and expression of emotion. 
  • What type of music are there: rnb, rock/metal, hip hop, rap, pop, classic, country, pacific, religious music, jazz, dub step, sad, hype and sound cloud
  • Where can we find/ hear/ experience music?
  • Spotify, you tube, iTunes, concerts, radio channels and sound cloud
  • What type of music do u like to make or listen to?
  • hip hop, rap
  • What do you want to learn about/ do in music hurumanu?
  • How to use diffrent instruments and how to make cool tunes with instruments.Image result for Music