This week in hurumanu my class 7/8bh and 7/8tz have been learning and working on our new hurumanu topic which is hurumanu P.E for P.E we are learning lots of new games and activities to learn leadership roles and working as a team. For our period of hurumanu we went into the gym and learnt and played a new game this game was called bench ball, Bench ball involves two teams, two benches (set out using one at each end of a medium sized rectangle sized court, a ball and some bibs each team will nominate one player to stand on the bench in their half of the court (the goalkeeper). We had about 7 teams the teams we were in had 6 to 5 players in them, We rotated around the gym versing different teams, this game was really fun well for me it was because I've never played anything like it so it was really cool to play a new game I haven't played before so it was a cool experience. But I think my favourite part of this was when we got into random teams no body moaned that they weren't with there friends that just go on with the game and had fun.

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