Test foods - Hypothesis:
- Egg - I think a Egg will have proteins in it.
- Milk - I Think Milk is a complex sugar and has protein.
- Apple - I think a Apple will have complex sugars in it.
- Bread - I think Bread will be a complex sugar.
- Potato - I think potatoes are a complex sugar and have protein.
- Sugar - I think Sugar is a simple sugar.
Method for complex sugar:
- We put the food in the test tubes.
- Then we put two drops of glucose in each food.
- Then we waited to see what colour it would turn to determine if it is a simple or complex sugar.
Method for simple sugar:
- We put the food in the tubes.
- Then we added 5 drops of Benedict.
- waited for them to change colours.
Results for simple sugar -
- Glucose - Glucose is a simple sugar.
- Apple - Apples have simple sugars.
- Potato - The Potato has a little bit of simple sugars.
- Eggs - Eggs are not a simple sugar.
- Bread - Bread is not a simple sugar.
- Milk - Milk is not a simple sugar.
Results for Complex sugar -
- Eggs - Eggs are a complex sugar .
- Bread - Bread is a complex sugar.
- Milk - Milk is a complex sugar.
- Potato - Potatoes are a complex sugar.
- Apple - Apples are a complex sugar.
- Glucose - Glucose is not a complex sugar.
Protein method:
- Place the food in the test tubes.
- Place 2 ML of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
- Add 5 drips of copper sulfate.
- shake the test tube gently side to side.
Findings -
- Apple - Has no protein in it, it stayed blue.
- Potato - Has no protein in it, it stayed blue.
- Glucose - Has no protein in it, it stayed blue.
- Bread - Has no protein in it, it stayed blue.
- Egg - Has protein in it.
- Milk - Has protein in it.
Conclusion -
My hypothesis was close, I was correct about Egg and Milk having protein and Complex sugars in them, I was right saying that Glucose and Apples are simple sugars and that Bread and Potato's are complex sugars.
Discussion -
I learnt that Potatos and Bread dont have protein.